Wednesday, May 4, 2011

OO1. Welcome to My Life

So, average 17 (almost 18!) year old girl. Living in a small town. With 4 farms within a mile radius. Why is she writing a blog? Sounds like nothing on Earth happens to her. Well guess what?! She's going to college!!
Yeah, yeah. I'm finally leaving this farm town. For somewhere a lot better (fingers crossed, haha).

I'm still in the process of looking for a roomie. I know who I want mine to be, ideally, but I'm not sure it's going to pan out, so I have a few backups that are looking pretty good too. I really hope this one works out, but I'm going to have to wait a little bit. Which is something I'm genuinely not good at doing.

Now I just have to get through the rest of school, which is going to royally suck. At the same time though, I can't believe that high school is going to be over and that I'm going to be living in New York for the next four years of my life. Slightly sad. Like minisculely sad. Probably just because it means I'm getting older. I'm definitely not sad to be leaving Medway, but I am sad to be leaving my friends. And the dance studio. Not that it was obvious or anything...haha.

I hate going to school now. It's absolutely awful because it feels like I'm just going through the motions and I'm not getting anything out of it. It's just miserable. I hate waking up. I hate getting ready. I hate going to homeroom. I hate going to classes. I hate it all!! Why can't it not be summer? Or September 1st haha.

Days of high school: 11, I do believe
Days until graduation: 32
Days until Siena move-in: 119.

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