Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OO3. A Plethora of Things

So, I haven't had a post in somewhat of a while, so this one is going to be pretty much all over the place. And this is where I'm going to start changing names (you'll see that *)

1. I HAVE A ROOMMATE!! Her name is Beatrice*, but she goes by Bee*, and she's from the Cape. I swear to God, deciding to room with her was the best decision I've ever made. I honestly don't think I've ever felt so confident about a decision before, and it's not like this is a minor decision either. I even played dirty when I made that decision. I was considering rooming with someone else, but I was having some serious second thoughts. So I told her that I decided to go with the lottery...woops. Anyway, I really really like Bee, and I'm even more excited to move in now than I was before.

2. I had the weirdest dream last night. I don't even know how to analyze it, but I'm going to try. First, I was on a ski slope, but the ski slope was on a stage and I was on the top of it with my mom's side of the family, and we were in some big performance. The ski slope was divided into a million lanes and there were people all over the place. So basically, this buzzer went off and everyone headed down the mountain on a conveyer belt with a million different colours and we had to collect all of the different colours, and I don't know. I got really upset though and threw a fit. So then there was part two, my dog got hit by a truck in our driveway. Something else happened that was really weird in my dream too, but I can't think of it right now.

Analysis of Part I: According to dream moods, mountains represent major obstacles and challenges that one has to overcome. But since I was on the top of a mountain, it means that I have achieved my goals. But mountains also represent a "higher realm of consciousness, knowledge and spiritual truth". Basically, I guess it means that high school is also over and I conquered it...but I have no idea about the higher realm of all that stuff. Colours in dreams have to do with energy, emotion and vibes. Not really sure what that means, but whatever. To dream that you are upset means that one needs to learn from their dissapointments and try to be happy by not dwelling on the negatives. I guess that one makes sense.

Analysis of Part II:  Also according to dream moods, dreaming of a dog symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection and fidelity. It also suggests that ones values and good intenttions will enable one to go forward in the world. That makes sense too, since by graduating I am moving forward in the world. On the other hand, if one sees a truck in their dream means that they're overworked. Which also makes sense...coughMrs.ObnoxiousEnglishTeachercough.

3. I officially know how to tie a corset!! That's basically how we spent our night at ballet last night. That was pretty great.

4.  So on the Siena College facebook group, there's literally a war waging on about New York and Jersey. It's literally cutthroat. I find it pretty funny, and therefore worth mentioning.

I feel like I started off having a million other things to say, but now I can't even remember. Soo...

Days left of high school: 8
Days until graduation: 26
Days until Siena move-in: 113

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